Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dreamer by Elizaveta

First thing's first: Can I haz name?
But seriously, that name is pretty fantastic...and Russian.
Alright, Elizaveta probably has one of the more interesting voices I've heard while doing this blog. She's very whimsical and I like it. Her voice is very opera like hitting very high notes in her music, but she manages to keep a very pop feel about her.  The music in the background is a classical orchestra accompanied by a techie sounding keyboard, possibly a little bit of organ in there. The lyrics are simple, but they get the point across. It's different, it's fun, I will state it once again...I like it. 

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say that free music= the best kind lol But really, I love the concept of your blog. I also really love this song, which is why I'm commenting on this post in particular. It's very ethereal and I kinda feel like I should be floating around or something. Anyway, not the point. Love the blog, love the simplicity, love the music.
