Saturday, December 3, 2011

Settle Down by Kimbra

Kimbra, I love you. This video is fantastic: I laughed, I cried in horror, I got super excited by their cute little dance moves but was secretly terrified the entire time I watched this video. Needless to say this video is already in my music library. 

Biggest reactions: 
2:24-- "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I literally yelled this one, my roommates were concerned. Mainly because I thought of this:

3:37--Oh, that's adorable they're doing the mashed potato...wait, those dolls are burning in the background. BRB, hyperventilating. 

The whole video is a giant statement on being the picture perfect housewife hinting the song title "Settle Down". The creepy part about it is that this housewife (who is actually a little girl) looks a lot like a porcelain doll and whenever Kimbra is lip syncing there are a shit ton of porcelain dolls behind her, and you kind of cringe every time you think about it. (Can you tell I don't like them?). The video later moves on to find out this girl's husband is cheating on her with another little girl who looks like a porcelain doll. It's very freaky and instead of fighting it out, they start dancing (50s style) with Kimbra in her little porcelain doll station. The video obviously has a 50s feel to it with the pearls, florals, and set design to further establish this need for housewife-ness. All in all, congratulations Kimbra, you have an excellent music video and the film student stamp of approval. 

Get this video, get it NOW.

P.S. If you like her on Facebook, you get a free track. I know this because of reasons. 

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